Hauksson Weine

Our vineyards in Aargau (Remigen, Döttingen, Klingnau) are dominated by limestone and clay, providing ideal conditions for burgundian varieties. Our vineyards in Tessin (Gordemo, Gudo, Sementina) are steep South facing slopes made of granite soils giving us elegance and minerality.
We work biodynamically in the vineyards. Inspired by regenerative agriculture we graze our dwarf sheep throughout the year between the vines. The friendly Ouessants are a lot of fun to work with. To promote biodiversity we are planting native wild roses and herbs in our parcels, striving for a polyculture where birds and insects feel welcome. The herbs provide us with medicine for our sheep and our vines, as well as being the basis of our vermouth production.
We try to minimize the use of machines and chemicals in the cellar to the absolute minimum. Our goal is to let the spontaneously fermented wines turn out clean and beautiful each time, but sometimes that requires an intervention like adding sulfites or filtering. As time since our conversion to biodynamic farming passes, the vineyards get healthier and we find there is less need for intervention.